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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

TWD: Vanilla Almond Custard Cups


For those of you that are visiting me on Tuesday morning, please send good thoughts my way since I am doing a cooking segment on live local TV this morning.

I am on Good Things Utah on ABC4 this morning, along with fellow TWDer's, Lindsey and Becky. I am excited to be doing this because it will hopefull help get the word out to other bloggers here in Utah that we have organized a group, called The Hive (Utah is the Beehive State - get it? Yeah, maybe not that original, but I think the avatar is pretty cute!).

So, if you are here in Utah and love food, cooking, baking and all the fabulous things related to it, well, then check out the avatar over on the sidebar and find out more about the group and how to join.

In the meantime, today is my favorite day of the week because today is Tuesday. If you have been here before then you know that means it is time for Tuesdays with Dorie! If you are new here, then what that means is that myself, along with my fellow TWDer's have made the same recipe from the same book this week - each putting our own spin on it and reviewing it to share with the rest of the blogosphere. This week, Bridget of The Way the Cookie Crumbles (which is where you will find the recipe) chose the Lemon Cup Custard in Baking From My Home To Yours by Dorie Greenspan (this is the book we are all baking our way through together and posting about every Tuesday) - more on that in a post after the show!

So, as the title of this post indicates, I put my own spin on the recipe, not because I don't love lemon, but because that is just what I do. I wanted a flavor that was a little different, so I skipped the lemon this time around and made mine a vanilla/almond flavor.

There was a lot of discussion on this week's P&Q about the texture of this dessert. Some thought it was like a smooth custard, others thought it was more like a flan or just too 'eggy'. Personally, I am not a flan fan, but I haven't missed a week yet and wasn't going to start now. I went ahead and made a half portion of the recipe and added 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla bean paste and a 1/4 teaspoon of pure almond extract to the custard. I used some cute little cups that I found a while ago and couldn't resist to bake my custard in.

So. What did I think of it? Well. It was like flan. But it was very smooth and silky and yes, had kind of a gelatinous mouth feel. It was kind of like eating a very creamy and rich cup of jello. It wasn't like a pudding in my opinion. Was it my favorite? Not really, no. Did I have fun making it? Yes. Should you try it for yourself? Yes.

The flavor was subtle and really nice. To make it even more fun I decided to add some texture to two of the cups. On one of the cups I just bruleed a bit of sugar and sprinkled some finely chopped almonds on the other.

To see more variations of this week's recipe, visit the Tuesdays with Dorie blogroll!



Marthe said...

Too bad you didn't like the taste of this, but at least you had fun making it!!!

chocolatechic said...

Your custards are gorgeous.

Natalie said...

I went the vanilla/almond route, too- great minds think alike. :) Good luck this morning!!

Di said...

Good luck!! I hope everything goes smoothly with the show.

Your custard variations look great. I didn't like this one, but I'm still glad I made it.

Amy of Sing For Your Supper said...

They look great! The vanilla/almond sounds fantastic!


kimberly salem said...

ooh best of luck on your tv spot!! :)
the vanilla/almond sounds great! i am totally going to brulee the top next time ;) it looks awesome.

Mumsy said...

They look great, Holly!

(You were completely awesome and amazing this morning. You are a rock star!)

Anonymous said...

Your custards look gorgeous. The vanilla-almond flavor combo sounds yummy. I'm sure you did fine on TV!

Connie said...

I found you via City Moms this morning and watched you on TV! I loved your apron.

I love flan and custard so I think this would be great! And this Tuesday's with Dorie sounds like so much fun...I wish I could do it but my husband would flip if I made desserts every week.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh! I LOVE custards AND flan! I'll definitely have to make this one! BTW, you were FAB on GTU this morning! Way to're FAMOUS now! Wahoo!

Laura said...

Great gob on GTU today! The honey lime chicken enchiladas was a great choice to share, that are so fabulous and different from the norm. I was hoping to hear you mention The Hive, but I did see they listed info about it on the web. I really hope one day we will be able to organize a Hive get together.

Ivette said...

I'm glad you tried this one and you liked it. I thought it was such a simple dessert to make and it had good flavor to it. Love the way your pics came out :)

Carol Peterman/TableFare said...

Your custards look great and I bet the bruleed top was tasty. I hope your TV spot went well. How exciting!

Kayte said...

Liking the taste or not...these photos are gorgeous. Congrats on the cooking fun was that????

Jenelle said...

Okay, I have never seen a food blog before, it's a place after my own heart!I am here because I saw you today on GTU. You did a great job, very relaxed. The apron were great. I was hoping they would have put a link on their web site. would you mind email it to me? I hope to be back soon and often!

Anonymous said...

I made the lemon version, but since the lemon flavor wasn't very strong, I think I would really like a vanilla/almond custard better. Fortunately, I don't mind the texture. I'm just grateful for a dessert that's on the lighter side!

margot said...

I hope everything went well this morning. The bruleed custard looks amazing.

Marie said...

Great job this morning! You looked really cute. Your hair cut is darling. I think you gave everyone a hankering for that yummy food.

The Food Librarian said...

Glad your TV spot went well! This looks great. It wasn't my favorite either, but I'm glad I gave it a shot!

Unknown said...

Your custards look beautiful! It wasn't my favorite recipe either but at least we tried.

Maria said...

You did an AWESOME job on TV! You are a star!!!

Aussiemuminthekitchen said...

YAY! I just watched your TV segment online. You did such an awesome job. It was so fun to watch you. The best part was the host said "Come back again". Wouldn't it be dreamy if they gave you your own cooking segment? I am tickled for you!

steph- whisk/spoon said...

TV--how fun and exciting! i hope it went well! your custards look yummy--am liking the bruleed top!

Leslie said...

These look SO good! I like your flavor combos and I bet the brulee elevated the custard. But then, I'd eat my notebook if you bruleed it!

Madam Chow said...

Congratulations on your TV segment, and the custards look wonderful!

Shari said...

I think a brulee topping is the best way to go with this dessert!

Teanna DiMicco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Teanna DiMicco said...

Congrats on the show! The custards look great! Sorry you weren't crazy about them!

TeaLady said...

So many varieties, so little time. You did a great job. And how great was that to be on a tv cooking show. Way to go, girl!!! I am impressed. I got nervous just doing a small video for friends.

BTW cups look great.

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