The brownie recipe is unique in the way they batter comes together. While there was some confusion among the group about exactly how they were supposed to come together, I have found with many of Dorie's recipes that if I read her introductions as well as reading the recipe through at least once before I get started, I have much better luck with understanding what I need to do.
As I was thinking about that, I realized that may be a handy tip - that seems obvious, but may not really be, for anyone who is starting out learning how to bake or cook. I always read the ingredient list, any notes, introductions, etc. and the recipe instructions through all the way - at least one time - before I start making the recipe. I didn't used to do this and without exception, the times when I just jumped in without that preparation, were the times that I failed. So, while it isn't really very sage advice, if you are just starting out, it may be some of the best advice for baking success that I can think of.

These brownies were really wonderful. I made mine a little thinner than the original recipe intended by baking them in a larger pan. I know I'm not a fun of brownies that are super fudgey in texture. What was an unexpected bonus for me was that by switching the pan, I ended up with a brownie that was thin and a little chewy - especially on the edges - which I really liked. They ended up having just the right ratio of chewy to fudgey texture for me in this case - with a nice crusty top layer.
The different steps to putting these brownies together, which included whisking the eggs, then adding half to the chocolate mixture, while whipping and then folding in the remaining portion to the chocolate mixture later, then folding the dry ingredients in, etc. - was a bit fussy for me, it wasn't hard and the results were worth it.
Your brownies are just beautiful.
I wish I had made mine thinner.
They look great, Holly. I think thinner was the way to go with these brownies. Mine were thick and I still ate them, but I next time I would probably go thinner. Hope you're feeling good!
I've been baking for YEARS, and I sometimes fail to read the recipe fully because I'm in a rush. I always regret it. Always.
Your brownies look very tempting!
These were delicious! I made mine a bit thinner, too-and LOVED them straight out of the fridge!
I baked my brownies in muffin cups, I wanted more 'edges'. This was a yummy brownie. I read cookbooks like novels, I love all the authors 'details'. That is why I love Dorie, she gives so many helpful hints.
Your brownies look great!
Ooooh what a good idea! Baking them in a bigger pan! They look fantastic!
making them thinner seems like a great fix for all those people that don't like them overly gooey. smart, smart. they look great!!
Wow! They look great thin...you can really see the fudgey center! Delicious!
Great advice! You'd think it would be self explanatory but sometimes I find myself jumping straight to the recipe without really reading the recipe. And as you said. Those seem to be the times my results are less than stellar. These brownies included. DOH!
Your photos are wonderful! Great job on the brownies. I so rarely read the entire recipe before I start baking something, even though I know I should.
WOW! Your brownies look perfect, just how I like 'em!!! :)
I agree, this recipe was fussy, but very delicious. With a little espresso they may just overtake the Katherine Hepburn brownies as my reigning favorite. ;-)
Thin and chewy. Perfect.
I too like fudgy but still chewy brownies!! So these seem perfect! What did you do that made them so good? Do tell me!
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