I actually have been doing some of both, though perhaps not back at my usual pace and full speed ahead yet, but what I have really lacked is the time to have two free hands to write any posts or upload any pictures. Hopefully later this week I will have a chance to catch up because I have several things I want to tell you about and the lack of writing is really beginning to irk me - mainly since I think it is probably just due to mismanagement of time (or just complete lack of time I guess) on my part. Seriously, aren't there supposed to be 48 hours in a day?! Maybe it's just me. ;)
Tuesdays with Dorie for this week, which I absolutely couldn't miss, hosted by the lovely and so dear Nancy at The Dogs Eat the Crumbs, was for the Swedish Visiting Cake. This cake couldn't be more delightful or easy to make. I think, if I'm remembering how I put it together anyway, that it involved a bowl, a whisk, a spatula and a baking dish (I went the cast iron skillet route in this case), plus some measuring cups and spoons. While that may sound like a lot, at the bottom of it what that all means to me is that this is a no machine, one bowl kind of dessert. Which is a beautiful thing, especially with three kiddos at our house now. Needless to say, with a new baby around, simplicity has been the key to our current attempts at sanity.
Overall, this is a simple, easy and fun cake to make. It requires the minimum amount of fuss, mess, cleanup, etc.. It also has an absolutely lovely combination of flavors balanced with lemon, almond, vanilla and butter. The cake bakes up moist and delicious with a nice sugary crunch on top from the almonds. A definite keeper.
It would be fun to make this cake again using another citrus, orange or I'm even thinking about tangerine sometime. However, someone mentioned a similar cake in the P&Q that has baked apples in it. That basically got me thinking about trying a version with peaches. I imagine it would be a lot like a delicious cobbler / cake with lots of extra 'crust' topping, which I would love. When I get around to it, hopefully soon, I will definitely share the results with you all.
For more variations in the meantime, visit the TWD Blogroll.
This was such an easy and delicious dessert. I can see making it often. Yours looks just beautiful, as always. :)
Your cake looks great!
Your pictures are wonderful, and your cake looks good too.
Stunning photos, Holly. Nice job.
Your cake looks great -- and I couldn't agree more about the beauty of the one bowl, no mixer recipe! This was so easy and everyone seemed to love it!
HUMMM!!! as a topping for cobbler with peaches!!! GENIUS!! I'll have to try that, like today.
It does look good, and yes, it was a easy/delicious cake.
I like the idea of making this with peaches- that would be so good. Yours looks great.
If you figure out how to fit 48 hours in a day- let me know~!
Looks good! We loved this at my house. Yum!
Your cake is beautiful and I'm glad that you could fit it into your hectic schedule (yay for new babies!) I love all of your ideas for this one. As soon as I can tear myself away from the plain one, I'm thinking of caramelized apples on the bottom. Or berries, yum! Thanks for your sweet words and for baking along with me this week! Good luck in using two hands in the near future...
I wasn't going to participate this week, but hearing how easy it is and seeing how delicious it looks, I think I'll knock this out this afternoon! Thanks for the motivation!!
I remember having 4 kids under 5, I survived, but really could have used a 48 hour day! You are doing a great thing. Keep up the great work.
Your cake looks delish!
What do you mean you don't have time to bake or cook? It's not like you have 3 kids, one of which is a newborn and a job right? Oh wait. Yeah. If anyone needs 48 hrs in a day I'd say you do. :) My SIL says the same thing with her newborn twins. I get tired just listening to all the things she has to do for them... every 3 hours! I hope you are able to set aside some Holly blogging time soon. Blogging is good for sanity. Lovely cake.
Gosh, I'm more than willing to help out at home if you give me this cake for when I visit! ;)
Your cake looks great!!
It seems that a lot of bloggers are busy bees as well :)
Yum, I added a link to this on my sidebar!
This was such a breeze to put together! I loved it, as did my parents and my coworkers!
You cake looks lovely! We loved it at our house too! :)
Looks gorgeous! Wasn't it easy and good?? Tangerine sounds like it would be delicious.
Huh, my husband thinks there should be 48 hours in a day, too. Some days I wish would just end but then there's other days I wish the same thing. Or at least once the kids are in bed I wish there was more time! ;)
Totally a great cake. I want to try the apple one, too, or with some other fruit. Apricots sound good, too.
great pic! i like the use of props.
I love all the cast iron pans being used this week! Your cake looks great!
I am so impressed that you are baking anything, even easy things, with a newborn in the house! It's all kind of a blur, but I have this memory of not having two free hands for 6 months! You are amazing. And your cake looks delicious - I'm so glad this was a hit! We loved it too.
Your cake looks perfect! I absolutely loved it.
Looks beautiful! I really MUST by a cast iron skillet!
Your dulce de leche looks fabulous! YUM!
This cake looks delicious!!
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