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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TWD: Midnight Crackles - three years of blogging

Happy Anniversary!

These cookies looked so pretty, with the dark chocolate 'midnight' color and the pretty sprinkle of powdered sugar I added.  They were just a little cakey, but still just slightly fudgey and crumbly too and were a great treat for my New Year's celebration with my boys.  Kayla, of course, celebrated with us as well, but isn't yet old enough to get her hands on the chocolate - I'm sure we'll make up for that in spades some day.  The spices in the cookies were a nice little surprise -  I went with the cinnamon and a pinch of cloves. 

This week's recipe, for the Midnight Crackles, was chosen by darling Laurie over at Slush, our Tuesdays with Dorie founder, and the lovely and so helpful Jules of Someone's in the Kitchen with Julie.  I for one greatly appreciate the choice of chocolate first thing in the new year.
Terribly overexposed pic to show those crackles!

So, all that said, happy blogiversary to me - three years! Incidentally, I just noticed that my last post for French Fridays with Dorie was actually my 400th post too.  Two milestones for me in one week - wow!  More importantly though, happy anniversary to the TWD group! Thank you for still coming here and hanging in there through thick and thin.  I hope you stick around, because there is much more to come and I'm going to try hard to get back to writing and sharing more about what is happening with us than just being so vague all the time.  I love you guys! I hope, that even though I don't often get a chance to comment or check in on anyone's blogs, that you know I'm thinking of you often and sending my love out to you! I don't know how I would cope with all the craziness without the support of my bloggy friends, so thank you, thank you, thank you!


chocolatechic said...

Mine weren't that thick, but they were good.

Unknown said...

How did you get yours to look so good? Happy blogoversary/TWD-versary, and Happy 2011 to you! I've always enjoyed your blog and I hope you'll keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogversary to you Holly! So glad you have stuck with the group all this time. I know I dont comment enough either, but I know you understand. I, too, think of you often and hope you guys are hanging in there. Much love sweetie. xoxo

And your cookies look perfect!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogversary to you Holly! So glad you have stuck with the group all this time. I know I dont comment enough either, but I know you understand. I, too, think of you often and hope you guys are hanging in there. Much love sweetie. xoxo

And your cookies look perfect!

Anonymous said... the powdered sugar. Happy New Year!

Flourchild said...

Yum they look great! I ate two of these babies right before bed last night!!

Jessica of My Baking Heart said...

Looking great, Holly! Congrats on both of your milestones, too! :)

Jessica said...

So many milestones!! Congrats! You cookies look great, and the powdered sugar is a perfect touch!

Joanne said...

These look so super thick and delicious! The way chocolate cookies SHOULD be in my opinion! happy anniversary...such an accomplishment!

Pamela said...

That last picture of the inside of the cookie looks amazing!! Congrats on the 3 year mark in blogging! You are fabulous!

Jodie said...

Happy anniversary! The cookies look great, I love it with that light blue!

Tia said...

oh, they look so moist! yum!

Amber Marie said...

These look great - especially all the crackles in the overexposed photo! Very neat.

Barbara Bakes said...

Love that rich, dark chocolate color. It was so good to see you the other night! Happy Blogiversary!

TeaLady said...

That last shot of that fudgy inside would be enough to convince me to make these ALL THE TIME!! Fantastic!!!

Di said...

Happy anniversary to you, too! And happy blogiversary! It's funny how so many of us started blogging around the same time (my #3 was at the end of December). Your cookies look terrific. =)

Stephanie said...

Happy blog birthday! These cookies were a great way to celebrate :)

scrambledhenfruit said...

Happy three year blogaversary! Those cookies look like the perfect little chocolate treat. :)

Jules Someone said...

Your cookies look fabulous! Thanks for the sweet words, and thanks for baking with us. Looking forward to more posts!

steph- whisk/spoon said...

happy anniversary and blogiversary! those cookies have perfect centers!!

LyB said...

Happy Three years sweetie! And Happy New Year too! Hope you're well and enjoying life with your family. xoxo

Deborah said...

Happy 3rd blog birthday!!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogoversary Holly!! Those cookies look gorgeous, and it shows that it's the photographer that makes the photo, not the equipment! :) You're an awesome photographer, but it gives me a feeling of re-assurance that even you make mistakes some times :)

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

Congratulations on 3 years blogging! These cookies really do crackle... wishing you love and fun in 2011!

Sweet as Coco said...

They look delicious and chocolate-y! I miss baking with TWD!

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