Though the roundup this year for the Blogging for Babies event may be small in numbers, it certainly isn’t lacking in quality – not even close! These amazing ladies and friends really came through.

Ashley at The Eclectic Connoisseur made some gorgeous
Grilled Baby Artichokes for her sweet nephew...
and also made beautiful Lavender Cupcakes for her sweet niece,
both who were born prematurely.
Lindsay at A Little Something… Sweet! made some darling little Cupcake Bites to help support the March for Babies.
Susan at She’s Becoming Doughmesstic made Lemon Pie Macarons to help raise awareness about the March of Dimes and their efforts.
The Hello Cupcake! package goes to Susan!
Clara (aka CB) made the cutest cupcakes ever with her Hello Mama Kitty Cupcakes in honor of her own amazing Mother since our very own Clara was a preemie herself.
As for the March for Babies - I am sad to say that when the morning finally rolled around both of my boys weren't feeling well. Though we had to stay home, we did our own 3 mile bike ride later that week and my oldest and I talked about some of the feelings we had this time last year when we could finally leave the house with Cole. It has been a fun and crazy year and I am glad to report that Cole is doing quite well!
The winners of the two prize packages for this event were randomly chosen from a hat by my kitchen assistant - Aidan - from a hat.
nice round up ;)
Everything looks great! Thanks for hosting this event and getting the word out about premature birth.
Oh! Sorry you missed the March (and the boys were sick)! The round-up does look beautiful though, and all the entries are indeed high quality (and uber-cute)!
As you said, small roundup but definitely not without a big message. Thanks for hosting!
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