This week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe for the Flaky Apple Turnovers was chosen by Julie of Someone's in the Kitchen. The turnovers themselves consisted of what I thought was a very interesting dough, that took some extra effort, but had delicious results, and a simple filling of some diced and spiced apples. Though the recipe suggested Gala or Granny Smith apples, I had some just plain old Golden Delicious on hand and used those with wonderful results, so I can only imagine that a more tart and firm apple would have had wonderful results as well. Aside from making just a half recipe of the dough, the only change I made was to add a little dash of freshly ground nutmeg to the apple filling, pretty much just because I really like nutmeg.
Though I'm really not a big fan of baked apples, I was really pleasantly surprised by how much I really liked these little turnovers - due in no small part to the pastry. The dough was interesting to me because of the ingredients as well as the process. I'm pretty sure I've never made a dough quite like it before, but I know I'll make it again. The ingredients were nothing weird or scary - just different. Sour Cream, mixed with sugar. Added to flour and salt, rubbed with butter and mixed much like a biscuit dough. I think I was a bit heavy handed with the flour and had to add a bit of extra sour cream to get the dough to come together, and then it was even a little overworked I think. So, if I can mess up the dough a bit and still get such great results, that is awesome in my book. The amount of extra time and effort was a bit off putting - with all the hours of chilling and rolling and folding and rolling, etc. but not overwhelmingly so.
My half batch yielded 7 turnovers and I sprinkled some pearl sugar on a few of them, just for fun, before baking. When the time came to bake the turnovers, it was also time to pick Aidan up from school. I decided to live a little dangerously and put the turnovers in the oven to bake unsupervised while I went the two blocks to get Aidan. As my safety net for not wasting all the ingredients and effort I adjusted the temperature to 350 degrees F instead of 375. Since my turnovers ended up getting about an extra 10 minutes in the oven I'm really glad I did. I pulled them out as soon as I got home and they were golden and delicious.
Check the TWD Blogroll for everyone's results here!
So, I figured I would try to fit in a little update on things here for those that are still checking in on me. I am so grateful that you are. It really means the world to me. I have such a backlog of visits that I want to make and see what you have all been up to and say hello, but it seems that since I am almost always either sick or only have my phone (which is ridiculously difficult to comment on blogs from via text!) that it will take me a while to do so. Please know that each and every one of your comments are like little presents to me and that they really help pull me through the days.
I've been feeling sick all the time still, but have been trying really hard to pay attention to what helps and keeping ahead of it. It works part of the time, and then part of the time nothing works and I'm just bound to be sick. I'm 16 weeks along now and into the second trimester far enough to know that no miracle has happened where I am going to get to escape being sick the entire pregnancy again - it is what it is I guess. I am just grateful to be able to say that, hey, silver lining, as long as I'm feeling sick and miserable, things are progressing normally for me!
On the craziness with the job front, I've found a new job, still working from home, thanks to some wonderful friends who are giving me the opportunity to work for them. I'm actually really excited about the job because it is something new and different for me and in a field I find interesting. They have a small construction company, that they want to grow - and think I can help get them there - by taking over a lot of the office / bookkeeping / marketing type work. Lucky for me, I really like running an 'office' - even though it was a law firm before, not construction. The hours are flexible and again, most importantly, from home, so our life can start trying to get back to normal once I figure out how to really do my new job anyway. I will be eternally grateful when I can get back to some semblance of a routine because the stress of being all topsy turvy drives me absolutely crazy - and not the good kind of crazy either.
I can't say enough how grateful I am that I have my foodie and blogging friends for support - I'm sure I would have spontaneously combusted by now without you all!
Beautiful turn overs.
Ils ont parfaitement réussis :) superbe !
WOW! what a great success... flaky and pretty all wrapped up in one divine little pocket!
Holly, congratulations on finding the new job. I hope you get a routine established for yourself soon, or whenever you feel the time is right. And I also hope that some how, some way, the hyperemesis eases up on you soon! Gorgeous little turnovers you got there! Feel good and keep smiling!
Flaky and delicious - I'd call them a huge success!
Congratulations on your new job!
The dough seems to be a simple version of a puff pastry and the result looks great!
They look flaky and wonderful. Im glad I made them even if they were a lot of work. My family really enjoyed them too!
Your turnovers look fantastic! I've only made the dough. I need to finish up, but I just KNOW yours will always turn out better than mine, anyway! Love you LOTS and glad to hear something going in a positive direction for you!!
Yeah! So glad that a) you enjoyed the treats b) the pregnancy, although icky, is normal c) that you have a job! and d) that you baked along with me. Hugs!
Glad to hear that you found a job and that your turnovers were a great success!I hope things continue to look up :)
Oh, good! A new job! I know that's got to be lifting your spirits a bit! I just wish you felt better. Hang in there.
Love the look of your turnovers, BTW!
These look fabulous Holly! I so want some! Congrats on the new job, too. You have a lot going on right now, but have my prayers everyday!
Your turnovers look amazing and flaky and perfect! I hope you start feeling better soon!!
Oh Holly, I'm keeping you in my thoughts - I hope things go well for you! Congrats on the job, and double congrats on the pastries - they look awesome!
They are beautiful! Love the pearl sugar (never heard of that till today) on them.
Congrats on the job, the wonderful turnovers, and the 16 weeks! We loved the turnovers as well...yours look very flaky and delicious. Keeping fingers crossed for baking next week, too!
The turnovers are perfect. Love the sugar on top. Congrats on the new job.
Glad things worked out for you! The turnovers look wonderful!
Yummy turnovers! They look flaky and caramelly good.
Congrats on the job! I hope you feel better more days than not. I can't imagine feeling sick all the time.
(PS. I love your plate. It's cute.:) )
Beautiful turnovers, I'm glad it worked out with extra oven time! And congratulations on your new job, that's great news!
How lovely that you can work from home. Happy that has worked out for you.
Love the new blog design, btw! So fresh & pretty. and those turnovers! My! We went apple picking on Sunday, so I really have no excuse for not making these.
Hi sweetie! Congrats on the new job- I'm sure it will be great for you. I hope the sickness eases a bit soon. Have you tried sucking on candied ginger? If you don't hate the flavour it really helps alot with nausea.
If you need anything let me know :)
Congrats on the job. Your turnovers look fantastic!
Oh wow! these look wonderful! :)
Terrific turnovers. Brown and flaky and delicious. Love the pearl sugar.
Sorry you are still not feeling well. Hope it does eventually get better. HUGS!
GREAT job they look perfect!
I hope you feel well soon!
oh I adore the name of your blog, and the blog is great these apple turnovers look great, congrats on the new job Rebecca
Congrats on the new job, and nice work on the turnovers! I must go dig out my little packet of pearl sugar I bought at IKEA 2 years ago and have never used...
Your turnovers look fabulous! The pearl sugar is a nice touch. Good luck with the new job, too.
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