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Friday, January 21, 2011

FFwD: Michel Rostang's Chocolate Mousse Cake

Aidan was the biggest fan of this week's French Fridays with Dorie recipe for Michel Rostang's Chocolate Mousse Cake.  He wanted me to tell you that these were "totally awesome, so yummy, so yummy."  Like cold, brownies that are creamy and light like ice cream.  Direct quote from the boy's mouth.

I loved it also, I mean really, what's not to love. We all know about my deep and abiding love of chocolate so the fact that I loved it too shouldn't come as a surprise.  I wasn't entirely sure that I actually whipped the eggs correctly - in fact I think I over beat them... again... what else is new!  That said, it still turned out great.  

We went for the bake, chill, bake, chill method which Dorie mentions in the book as her favorite way to eat this cake.  I haven't tried the other ways, but I really liked it this way.  

I didn't change the recipe at all, but I didn't have an 8-inch spring form pan either, so I did use a 9-inch instead which is why mine looks a little thinner than the picture in the book.  I think ours is possibly a layered a little differently as well as far as the thickness of the two separately baked layers goes. The top of our cake was fairly thin and very crackly.  I think, no matter what you do to this cake, bottom line, its going to be good.

For more chocolate mousse cake madness, head on over to the French Fridays with Dorie site and see how the others fared this week.


violette said...

... your cake look delicious...nice photos:)

Jayne said...

I did the bake, chill, bake, chill version, too. So good! Yours looks fabulous!

steph- whisk/spoon said...

i totally agree with yummy! i made it the same way you did and we just loved it.

Ronda Kisner said...

It is like a fluffy brownie!

Anonymous said...

Looks fab Holly! I think Liam is going to love this one too. He is the chocoholic of the house. Im halfway done with mine. Putting back in the oven shortly. Thank heavens for snow days or I wouldnt have gotten this one done.

Steph said...

Mine came out thin too, so I scooped it all in to a parfait dish :) Yours looks so good though, I have to try the "warm" version next time

Anonymous said...

I couldn't tell the difference between the two layers either. It looks great though, thin and all.

Steph said...

Such lovely photos! Mine was thin too, but quite yummy! I did bake, chill, bake, chill too. Looking forward to trying the bake, chill method.

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

Thin isnt a bad thing here as its rich and less is more!
Agreed , whats not to love really :-))
Lovely cake!

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely! Great comments from the kiddos! Always love that professional opinion! They don't come any more honest, that's for sure!

Flourchild said...

I love it! It looks good and I loved how you presented it!

scrambledhenfruit said...

I didn't participate in FFWD this week and now I'm sorry. :( This looks so good!

Cher Rockwell said...

We had ours warm - so I didn't get the brownie effect, but that sounds like it would have a lot of appeal. It looks like you survived your egg white whipping rather well!

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

This looks to die for... anything reminiscent of brownies is a hit with me!

Serena@TentarNonNuoce said...

Ehi Holly, since i love your blog, and admire you so much... i'd love to award you with this

i hope you won't mind :)


Cookin' Canuck said...

I am taking Aidan's recommendation and making this. Yum!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! That looks delicious. :)

Unknown said...

Oh wow! That looks delicious. :)

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