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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

TWD: Pecan Powder Puffs

There are certain recipes that I've never made that have absolutely nothing to do with difficulty or ingredients.  The Pecan Powder Puffs (aka Mexican Wedding Cookies) for this week's Tuesdays with Dorie, chosen by Tianne of Buttercream Barbie, happen to be one of those recipes.  In fact, I've been ignoring the fact that a really easy recipe for these cookies has been sitting in the book. I was doing a good job of ignoring it up until now too.  


They are dangerous. Severely dangerous. Sigh.

Years ago, when I first moved to Utah, I was working in a law firm where the secretaries all loved putting treats out on their desks during the holidays. I was working in the firm as a runner (basically a gofer, just like it sounds :) and therefore was exposed to all the various treats hiding around all three floors of the office. These happen to be the only treat I remember.

Anyway, one of the secretaries always brought a huge tub of these cookies and every time I went by I couldn't resist grabbing another one.  When you figure that in an 8-hour shift I went by her desk at least 8 times... well, you can imagine the problem. I fully justified it because working as a runner, on a 3-floor office I figured out that I was walking about 40 miles per week (no joke!) and therefore my 19-year old body could eat whatever the heck I wanted and get away with it (and did).

Fast forward a generous handful of years and that is no longer the case.  I cookie that is cobbled together of pecans, sugar, butter and a bit of flour, then dipped in more sugar before eating and you can imagine that having these babies in my vicinity is a recipe for major weight gain.  Therefore, until today, I had never made them.

Now, my cookies didn't turn out as puffy as the cookies I've usually seen, but I expect is has something to do with oven temperature or high altitude.  Bottom line, they were still incredibly tasty and crumbly and melt-in-your-mouth delightful, so I really didn't care.

And guess what? I was right, they are dangerous, because the batch is already over half gone... and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has been eating them.

For more delicious cookies, visit the TWD blog and LYL post.


natalia said...

Ciao cara !You are right they were too dangerous for my diet so I gave them away !

Flourchild said...

What a cute post..I like they brought up a good eating memory! I love these cookies and make them every Christmas. I too, know they are very dangerous..that's why I only make them once a year! I ate way to many of them too! :0)

Tia said...

Mmmm this makes me wanna bake them all over again.
Thanks for joining me in this week's TWD. Take care!

Cindy said...

Cookies tend to be very dangerous at my house--I'm the only one home all day. I have very little will power so to be home alone with cookies is a bad thing! In a delicious sort of way!
Holly I tried to join the Utah Hive and the e-mail address wouldn't work. I'll try again if no luck I'll send you an e-mail. Have a great day.

chocolatechic said...

I doubled my batch and half of them are gone.

I can not blame my daughter for any of it either.

April said...

I agree...way too addicting! So yummy though.

Nicole said...

These are very memorable and yours look good. Mine are rounder, but they are still just as tasty! At work, I'm the one who always brings the treats in!

scrambledhenfruit said...

I love this cookie! And you're right they are delicious and addictive! :)

Team Jensen said...

I'm right there with you. SO yummy and dangerous! I want to make these, but once my cooking/baking hiatus is over. :0) Hope all is well at the Hanks house!

Katrina said...

Same thing happens here. My boys don't eat these and for sure my husband doesn't, but I LOVE them. I was glad this time I made them we had company staying with us that ate a lot of them. Yours look perfectly sugared.

steph- whisk/spoon said...

i was ignoring them, too-- they are totally addictive!!

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