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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

TWD: Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler


Here we are once again with more cobbler. We had a fabulous chocolately week last week and we are back with more fruit. Yes, we recently made cobbler. My point? This is like no other cobbler I've made or had before. The topping is different, the fruit combination is unique, the spices are slightly more exotic than your average cobbler - so really, other than some of the method and name - there really isn't anything of repetitiveness (is that even really a word) in this week's pick from Amanda from Like Sprinkles on a Cupcake.

For the sake of full disclosure, I didn't really try the fruit (again, I really don't like cooked fruit - it's a texture thing more than a flavor thing for me). I still like working with them as an ingredient because they are just so darn pretty (beautiful, beautiful cherries!). I did try some of the topping with the sauce made from the fruit and it was really good. I added some raw sugar to the top of the biscuits for extra sweetness and crunch.


The topping has a more "toothsome" texture to it and nutty flavor due to the use of whole wheat flour (Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat Pastry Flour is what I used). The crust was really pretty incredible and different than a regular cobbler crust. It was almost like getting a "crisp" topping flavor in cobbler form. In fact, next time I use this recipe I may try mixing in some oat flour as well.

The main spice flavor used was the ground ginger. The ginger scent and flavor was pretty prominent, but not overwhelmingly so. I actually followed the recipe exactly for once (ok, almost exactly) and didn't switch out any components or flavors - other than using some Rainier Cherries - basically just for more color and a little twist - because we all know I can't ever leave well enough alone! The only other thing I did differently was to just use a small cookie dough scoop to make the balls of dough (so that I wouldn't overwork it at all).

Those that tried the whole thing really liked this - in fact, the hubby at first just said it was fine - then (as he continued to devour it) said it was "really pretty good" - which is actually pretty high praise from him.

I know I'll make it again, probably with peaches or something I like better. I was able to find some rhubarb and got a good deal (great deal really) on the cherries - almost 3 lbs at the Farmer's Market for $4.

Don't forget to check out all the other delicious cobblers this week by going to the Tuesdays with Dorie site and clicking away (you can even subscribe through bloglines and get updates all week long from this fantastic crowd of baking obsessed bloggers!).


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Di said...

I love that you used a scoop to portion out the topping. Thanks for the great idea! And I like the way the sugar looks on top. Your cobbler looks wonderful.

Manggy said...

You don't like sausage *and* cooked fruit?!?! Noooooooooooo!!! Well, you certainly did a great job regardless of your fruity-prejudice, haha :) Looks lovely!

NKP said...

Yummy looking cobbler, great job!

Mary Ann said...

Looks delicious as always. The Rainier cherries sound so yummy in this !

Anonymous said...

I thought about using rainiers in this as well, I'm glad you did. And I'm glad it was well liked. It looks great its baking dish.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos...the use of those cherries was very nice...will need to try those soon while cherries are reasonable around here...not as reasonable as what you found, but reasonable enough for me to give it another whirl this weekend. Your photos are always so great, and your posts fun...thanks for sharing your little tip about the scoop and the sugar on top!

Maria said...

Your cobbler looks great! I wish I had a spoon to dive in!

Anne said...

It looks wonderful! The raw sugar was a great idea. Nice job!

Jules Someone said...

Looks lovely! I didn't even bother with a scoop. I just crumbled/distributed. I used the coarse sugar as well. I love the extra sweetness and crunch.

kimberly salem said...

yum, it looks delicious! glad you liked it to much! i would want to try it with peaches too -- the rhubarb was just a bit too stringy for me.

Anonymous said...

Your cobbler looks fantastic!

L said...

Oh it looks so good. Everything you post makes me hungry, dagnabit. lol

Prudy said...

Beautiful work, as always. I loved the whole wheat in the recipe this week, so I just used all whole wheat. It was great. Those doughnuts look so delicious! I'm making donuts Thursday for pioneer day. Congrats on your latest well-deserved awards.

Susie Homemaker said...

i am so jealous of those cherries. $4?? not fair!
plus, this looks fab. great job.

Jenny said...

Beautiful cobbler, it looks scrumptious!

Linda said...

Beautiful color contrast with the ranier cherries!

I also liked this crust more than the other TWD's definitely a texture thing, and am curious to hear how the oat flour would work in this recipe.

As always, I really enjoy reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

That first photo is gorgeous! But three pounds of cherries for four dollars?! Where do you live? I am moving there!

Sherry Trifle - Lovely Cats said...

This looks wonderful! Excellent pics too.

Heather B said...

I'm not a cherry fan but your photos are making me want to dig into that cobbler! yum! Great job!

steph- whisk/spoon said...

the rainier cherries look great in this! i agree that the topping was delish!

LyB said...

I love the see-through shot of the cobbler, those colors are fantastic! I love sprinkling raw sugar on top of doughy things, it just makes them that much more interesting. :)

Engineer Baker said...

Ooo - Rainier cherries sound fabulous. I just can't bring myself to spend the money on them... The cobbler looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

Great job!!!

Have a delicious day :)

Elly said...

Looks great as always, Holly! I've tagged you for a fun meme if you get a chance :)

The Food Librarian said...

Yummy yummy! Everything you make always looks delicious! I enjoy reading your blog.

hoagiefest 2020 said...

Looks great! Your topping really came together well.

marae said...

looks fab..!!! i wasn't quite sure how the topping should come out, somehow i thought it would melt down and not be 'balls' anymore but it was...!

Bungalow Barbara said...

Wow, gorgeous cobbler! Love the yellow cherries and love the baking dish, too. I liked this topping a lot, too.

Peabody said...

I got 3 pounds of cherries for $4 as well. But not Rainiers. Cobbler looks good.

Nickki said...

Wow, your cobbler looks delish! And your doughnuts and making me and my kids drool all over the laptop :)

CB said...

I think you hit it on the nail for me. Its a cooked fruit texture thing. Ah well. We tried and now we know right?
Clara @ iheartfood4thought

Dolores said...

Oooh! Ranier cherries would indeed make this EXTRA special!

A month or two ago I'd have agreed with you on the cooked fruit thing, but Dorie's gradually converting me...

Aaliyah said...

Your cobbler looks really great and tasty. I like the scoop idea and may try that next time. Thank you for the tip!

I look forward to your post next week!

Jaime said...

sorry you don't like cooked fruit, it was delicious. looks beautiful!

Jacque said...

LOL, I thought those were peaches at first, but no, they're rainer cherries. They sure make for a good looking cobbler... great job!

Anonymous said...

$4 for 3lbs. I am so jealous. I have gone broke satisfying my summer craving for cherries. Your topping looks perfect.

Unknown said...

Looks delicious - and you got quite a deal on those cherries!

Jenny said...

Yum, Rainier cherries. Very expensive here right now but soooo good.

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